At Voss Insurance Group, we believe having options and doing research is the surest way to great health insurance. We use multiple platforms to compare plans based your needs and the area you live in. Furthermore, our unbiased approach allows you to be in the driver’s seat having the ability to ask as many questions as necessary.

What Is Medicare?
Medicare is the government health insurance program for individuals 65 and older or those on disability or have qualifying disabling conditions (such as end-stage renal disease). You are typically eligible for Medicare when you turn 65, are a U.S. Citizen or legal resident, and have qualifying work history.
New to Medicare?
Enrolling and choosing a plan doesn’t have to be complicated. We provide zero cost guidance and support. We represent most major insurance companies to help you save on co-pays, deductibles, prescriptions, and more! We are here for you every step of the way. Contact us to schedule a short telephone, zoom, or face-to-face meeting.
Let’s Get Started
Where Do I Start?
Enrollment for Medicare Part B begins with Social Security. Once you are enrolled in Medicare A and B, we’ll help you pick a secondary plan best suited to your needs.
How Do I Enroll in Medicare?
Part B Enrollment takes place through Social Security NOT Medicare. You can enroll by calling the Social Security Administration office, mailing a Part B Enrollment form, or by creating or logging into your online Social Security account. Please visit SSA.Gov. SSA.Gov’s home page will provide links to apply for Medicare Part B.
Do I Need Medicare Right Now?
Most people enroll in Medicare when first eligible. There are different enrollment periods for different circumstances. If you are turning 65 and enrolling in Medicare, you can enroll three months before your birthday, the month of, and three months after your birthday. This is known as your initial enrollment period. If you are still working or have employer coverage (through your employer or your spouse’s employer), you may delay Part B of Medicare. Reach out to us for clarification or visit to learn more.
I Have Medicare and Medicaid (State Assistant or Low-Income Help)
We offer Medicare plan that work in conjunction with Medicare and Medicaid. Please contact us to check availability in your zip codes. Depending on your income and eligibility, you may qualify for more dental, vision, transportation, healthy food cards, utility bill support and more. We Can Help! Click Here to Get Started!
I Am A Veteran and Receive Benefits
We love working with Veterans. Most major Medicare Advantage plans pay Veterans money back to their Social Security check every month. You may also qualify for plans with dental, vision, and more. Contact us to check availability in your zip code.
Can I Switch My Plan?
Depending on your current coverage, you may or may not be able to change plans. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, you typically must wait until the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) unless your qualify for a special enrollment circumstance (also known as a SEP- Special Enrollment Period). There are no enrollment periods for Medigap plans. However, guaranteed insurability is for a limited time.
Where Can I Do More Research?
Our extensive Medicare database can help you compare plans in your county. Do research on your own or to use our self-enrollment tool by clicking here.

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 13 organizations which offer 66 products in your area. Please contact, 1-800-MEDICARE , or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.